"Я не одобряю дуэлей. Если человек пришлет мне вызов, я мягко и уважительно возьму его за руку и проведу в тихое место, где смогу беспрепятственно его убить" (с) Марк Твен
【KAITO】トマトきらいのうた english & romanji subbed "Song of hating tomato"
【鏡音リン】いいからトマト食えenglish subbed "Just eat tomatoes!" читать дальше
T-O-M-A-T-O, TOMATO. T-O-M-A-T-O, TOMATO. TOMATO, TOMATO, I hate you! (*Repeat 4 times)
Tomato, it's round and glossy. Tomato, it's so brightly red. I hate such tomatoes and I keep away from them every day.
Everytime I bite it, I become disgust with its pulpy texture. Everytime I bite it, I become disgust with its heavy stech like grass.
T-O-M-A-T-O, TOMATO. T-O-M-A-T-O, TOMATO. T-O-M-A-T-O, TOMATO. TOMATO, TOMATO, I hate you! (*Repeat once)
I don't mind its taste. Tomato Ketchups won't scare me. But I can't bear its raw texture. I can't drink tomato juice.
I don't mind its taste. I don't give a damn about meat sauce. But I can't bear its raw texture and smell. I can't eat tomato sauce.
Feel sorry for the farmers? THEN, let them eaten by who likes them.. It's gonna be much happier for tomatos to be eaten cheerfully.
Feel sorry for the people who cultivated them? Surely always do I. It is so hard to bear. But it's gonna be more rude to eat, feel sick and ***** them
Tomatoes, they're round red devils. Tomatoes, they're so fresh and juicy. Tomatoes, in a mixed salad, Tomatoes, I always find them. Tomatoes, don't slice and, Tomatoes, put them in sandwiches. Tomatoes, I hate you.
When I was a small child, I couldn't eat petit tomatoes in my lunch box. My teacher sat next me and wouldn't let me go home until I ate them. Willy‐nilly, I tried to swallow a whole tomato down, then it stuck in my throat and suffered me terribly. It became traumatic,since then I hate tomatoes with all my heart.
"Eat it with sugar. It tastes good." As my parents adviced me so, I tried it. The stech of the tomato and the sweet taste of sugar were all mixed up. It was so bad. I love to drink, but I don't wanna drink liquor made from tomatoes. But, when a sweetie says, "Try some.", I've got no choice....
Tomato, I hate its smell. Tomato, I like its taste but... Tomato, I hate its texture. Tomato, its colour is so beautiful but... Tomatoes, when tamotoes are on a pizza, Tomatoes, I can barely eat them. Tomatoes, OK, tomatoes are my enemy.
Tomato, a word "tomato" is a palindrome in Japanese. Tomatoes, they're thrown in Spain. Tomatoes, they aren't fruits. Tomatoes, certainly they're vegetables. Tomato, it is a plant in the Solanaceae family. Tomato, it was believed that it was poisonous. Tomatoes, someday I want to eat them easily.
T-O-M-A-T-O, TOMATO. T-O-M-A-T-O, TOMATO. T-O-M-A-T-O, TOMATO. T-O-M-A-T-O, TOMATO. TOMATO, TOMATO, I hate you! (*Repeated 3 times)
My red body has come to full maturity. You'll feel as if your tongue were melting when you eat me. If you gently have a bite, a sour-sweet world will spread.
You say, "I hate tomatoes." What makes you say so? I'm really sad. Don't hate me. You haven't even tried me yet. I'm sure you just don't know me well.
Well, even I look like this, I'm a vegetable in the Solanaceae. My color is red. That's because I'm full of hot passions.
I'm sure you don't have enough Lycopene.
Eat tometoes! Eat more! A wonderful world is waiting for you.
Eat moreover! Eat my all! Open the door now! You may eat me raw, put me in a soup, chop me or put me in sandwiches. My taste has boundless potentialities. Just do me as you like.